We have several web hosting plans to get your site on the web. Whether you have a small personal site of only a few pages or a vast corporate site with large space and traffic requirements. The reliability, speed, and functionality of Hosting are unrivaled.
* KYC verification is required for all services at V2 Technosys
V2 Technosys has several shared web hosting plans to get your site on the web. Whether you have a small personal site of only a few pages or a vast corporate site with large space and traffic requirements, we have a several web hosting plans to suit your needs.
Easy to use world-class cPanel Hosting Control Panels for Simplified Website Management. cPanel offers a user-friendly interface and a wide range of features, making it a popular choice for both beginners and experienced webmasters.
Superior performance and load times and 99.9% Uptime. Experience Unmatched Speed and Reliability, Supercharged Hosting for Optimal Performance. Elevate Your Website with Our High-Performance Hosting.
Blog, website or online store, Get WordPress hosting that fits your ambitions. Power Your WordPress Projects with Our Flexible Hosting. Tailored WordPress Hosting for Your Unique Needs.
Best Price and Plan
3000 / Year + GST
1 GB Storage with 10 GB Bandwidth/Mo5000 / Year + GST
2 GB Storage with 20 GB Bandwidth/Mo12000 / Year + GST
5 GB Storage with 50 GB Bandwidth/MoCommon Questions and Query
Yes, Our Linux hosting supports Wordpress and servers are optimised for best performance